Sunday, March 25, 2007

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Mid Life Crisis?

No little red sports car here--no, instead I am jonesing for a ......
STATION WAGON. Egads. full circle back to my learning-to-drive days...but, with beagles, invisible child, and hubby, not to mention groceries, luggage, instruments, and ski stuff, I've decided that the convertible will be getting traded in for an all-purpose vehicle...the BMW 5-Series wagon is really nice and really expensive...we'll see. (actually, I really want the back-up-beeper/alarm important will that make me feel!--WATCH OUT, WORLD, BEEP, BEEP, Melody's backing up the barge!!)

Monday, March 12, 2007

4 Pounds of "Cattitude"

ever wonder what is under all the fur of a long-haired cat? Due to various matting/dreadlock and personality issues, we now know:

4 pounds of "cattitude"...isn't she cute?

I stand corrected--close review of the pertinent info reveals that at 10 years of age, our little sweetie is actually 5.65 pounds...

Sunday, March 4, 2007

God Works in Mysterious Ways

Have you ever prayed for something for 12 years with no result? Did you give up hope? Think it was just never going to happen? Well--I've now learned that nothing is impossible with God. How trite, isn't it? But yet, it is not trite at all.

Our family has, in the past week, seen years of hurt, disappointment, anger, bewilderment and frustration melt away in an instant. Only God could have arranged it, especially the timing and circumstances.

If you don't believe, why? or why not? I'm happy to share the story of our impossibility with you personally. Believe this--it was not human action that caused this to happen. Only the resulting joy is what we cause.